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What hosts and students think of each other

What hosts and students think of each other We are delighted to share with you the following story from our hosts and students. Spending so…

Celebrating a happy birthday around the world

Celebrating a happy birthday around the world Turning 19 is a tremendously special occasion. We wish student, Sze Nam, a very Happy Birthday! Sze Nam…

Just like a family

Just like a family When international students come to Australia, they are away from family and friends they have known all their lives. Some international…

Unforgettable homestay experiences

Unforgettable homestay experiences   Memorable homestay experiences are part of the study-abroad journey. At a time when there are multiple modes of education for customers…

From our homestay host, Silvia

From our homestay host, Silvia Homestay experiences make lasting impressions on both host families and students. We recently received this incredible message from our homestay…

The comfort of good food

The comfort of good food Students from Asia are accustomed to cooked breakfasts and a variety of dishes over dinner. Our students love being placed…

This months top student experience! – October ’19

This months top student experience! – October ’19 Our students had a wonderful time during their recent study tour in Sydney. We wanted to call…

Host of the Month – October ’19

Host of the Month – October ’19 Thanks and congratulations to Blair Worley, our Host Family of the Month! Blair’s guest from China, Yufeng Hou,…